Springvossen 25 februari | Stéphanie Saadé

Gast: Stéphanie Saadé, beeldend kunstenaar.

N.b. Het gesprek wordt gevoerd in het Engels.

In this episode Robert van Altena interviews Stéphanie Saadé about her work on the occasion of two exhibitions in Amsterdam. One meter under a duo exhibition with Inge Meijer that was recently on show at Akinci Gallery and It is… a participative installation in progress at P/////AKT (location Groenhoedenveem 2, on show up until 9 march). The day of the finissage of It is… there will be a dedicated performance by Fatma Cheffi.

Photo: Stéphanie Saadé, ‘It is…’ , fineliner and pencil on wallpaper. A participative installation in progress, 2 february – 9 march 2025 at P/////AKT (foto’s Chun-Han Chiang). Courtesy: Stéphanie Saadé & P/////AKT

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Opening: Anton Webern, ‘Variationen’, Op.27, II. Sehr schnell (1936) door Michuko Uchida – piano . Album: Schoenberg – Berg – Webern. Michuko Uchida en het Cleveland Orchestra o.l.v. Pierre Boulez (2000, Philips)

Slot: Thelonious Monk, ‘Raise Four’ met Thelonious Monk – piano, Charlie Rouse – tenor saxophone, Larry Gales – bass, Ben Riley – drums. Album: Thelonious Monk, ‘Underground’ (1968, Columbia Records)

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