Springvossen 8 augustus | Falke Pisano

Gast: Falke Pisano, beeldend kunstenaar.

In augustus een keuze uit het archief van Springvossen. Deze week de uitzending waarin Falke Pisano met Robert van Altena in gesprek gaat over haar werk naar aanleiding van haar tentoonstelling ‘Vondervotteimittis (The stories we tell)‘ (die te zien was bij Ellen de Bruijne Projects). Dit gesprek werd eerder uitgezonden op 24 juni 2019. Het gesprek wordt gevoerd in het Engels.


For the works in this exhibition Falke Pisano chose three existing short stories: ‘The devil in the belfry’ (1839) by Edgar Allan Poe, ‘The lady in the looking glass’ (1929) by Virginia Woolf and ‘Wanderer komst du nach Spa…’ (1950) by Heinrich Böll.

Central in the work of Pisano is the intention with which a story is written, told en retold:

“For me there is something important which I found difficult when I started working but I have assumed it by now: I like to talk about intentions. And I like to be very open about what I try to do and what I want to do and why I want to do it.”

“I’m also looking at the author position and the narrator position so I felt that it would make sense for myself to bring myself in as the narrator of all these stories […] taking the responsibility for telling the stories.”




Foto: Falke Pisano, ‘Wonder-What-Time-It-Is’ (2017-2019), constellation of: 17 collages, digital colour print on museum cardboard diagram, vinyl on wall video, sound/colour, 31 min. loop,
Courtesy: Falke Pisano & Ellen de Bruijne Projects

<<  vorige aflevering: Rudi Fuchs

<<  programma-overzicht juli

>>  volgende aflevering: Noor Nuyten

>>  programma-overzicht augustus

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Opening: Leoš Janáček, ŘÍKADLA / Kinderrijmpjes, Úvod / Intro. Thomas Walker, tenor; Philip Mayers, piano; Radio Blazers Ensemble; Cappella Amsterdam o.l.v. Daniel Reuss (2012, Harmonia mundi)

Slot: Thelonious Monk, ‘Raise Four’ met Thelonious Monk – piano, Charlie Rouse – tenor saxophone, Larry Gales – bass, Ben Riley – drums. Album: Thelonious Monk, ‘Underground’ (1968, Columbia Records).

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